C4RE Foundation

C4RE Foundation

C4RE Foundation is an independent, non-profit, non-government, policy, research, and implementation institute working on Sustainable Development (SD) at local, national, regional, and global levels. It encourages multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches in its programs and projects by working under four broad themes, Environment-development integration, good governance, economic growth, and PPP. C4RE Foundation has over twenty full-time and some part-time mid to senior professionals, scientists, and researchers with a large consultants pool.


C4RE Foundation envisages a society, which is economically productive, socially just, and environmentally sound.


C4RE Foundation’s mission is to conduct a participatory process to sustainable development through empowering the poor.


Transforming towards an economically growing society, that is socially just, equitable, environmentally sound, and resilient to climate change and disasters through research, knowledge management, and capacity building.

Specific Objectives

  • To generate Knowledge in the areas of environment, natural resources management, climate change, renewable energy, inclusive social development focusing on SDGs, Paris Climate Agreement, and Sendai Framework on DRR.
  • To promote and develop safe and clean energies (Bio-gas and solar) in order to eliminate reliance on non-sustainable energy sources.
  • To establish environment-friendly policies and programs for climate change adaptation and mitigation.
  • To provide capacity building of actors and stakeholders for giving critical inputs into the development process.
  • To provide Advocacy support for influencing policy and practices towards an equitable and resilient society.
  • To engage the actors and stakeholders for building partnership.

Approaches of C4RE Foundation

  • C4RE Foundation will conduct research and development in environmental conservation in collaboration with development partners.
  • To raise awareness through research, seminars, media involvement manuals and publications
  • Capacity building of stakeholders such as community people, small-enterprise etc.
  • There shall be an Advisory Board of not more than 10 members who shall be appointed by the Executive Committee/Board of Directors from amongst the persons who, virtue of their high professional qualification and experience both nationally and internationally, have attained eminence in their respective fields of study and are willing to serve in their individual capacity without any honoraria to achieve the aims and objectives of the Foundation.
  • Executive Committee/Board of Directors shall employ on contract (for 2-5 years) Senior Fellows who shall be persons of recognized abilities and merits capable of conducting and supervising research programmers in a particular field of study.
  • The Executive Committee/Board of Directors shall employ on contract (for 1/3 years) Fellows who shall be persons of recognized ability to carry out particular research program in their specialized fields of interest.
  • The Executive Committee/Board of Directors shall invite individuals (Visiting Fellows): of outstanding merit both nationally and internationally for the purpose of presenting papers, Seminars, Workshops, or to undertake research for the Foundation.
  • The Executive Committee/Board of Directors shall employ the services of recognized experts (Consultants🙂 in various fields who will undertake research as consultants for the foundation on short-term contracts (3-6 months)
  • The Executive Committee/Board of Directors shall award grants to Research Associates who shall be researchers employed in other institutions to carry out specific research projects for the Foundation.